書籍:Living Beyond Your Dreams: How To Achieve Anything You Want In Life


更新日期 (2022/12/17) :


【書籍:Living Beyond Your Dreams: How To Achieve Anything You Want In Life】

港幣 $125.50

The journey of a million miles, they say, starts with a step. We all have at some time or the other dreamt of several things, we have longed and had visions of the kind of life we would like to lead. Unfortunately, very few of us ever get to live this kind of life, rather, it seems to recede into the shadows of fantasy and wishful thinking. Our dreams most often seem to pass away with childhood, buried deep alongside the magic of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.



The journey of a million miles, they say, starts with a step. We all have at some time or the other dreamt of several things, we have longed and had visions of the kind of life we would like to lead. Unfortunately, very few of us ever get to live this kind of life, rather, it seems to recede into the shadows of fantasy and wishful thinking. Our dreams most often seem to pass away with childhood, buried deep alongside the magic of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.

The life we relegate ourselves to, this existence is so much less than we are capable of, and that is why I had to write this book. This is my challenge to you, open up yourself to a world of possibilities and achievement. I believe in you and your ability to internalize the core values and principles necessary to refine every aspect of your life in order to be the best you can. We all have our struggles in life, and everyone is allowed to have moments of discouragement and weakness. Your strength lies in your ability to get back up, past the mistakes, setbacks, failures, and stagnation of every kind.

If you have gotten anything positive from this book, then I believe that now you understand a few things much better than you perceived them before.

•The power of decision making
•Your life is in your hands and no one else can alter, influence or affect it without your consent
•The importance of commitment
•Let your dreams drive you to the life you desire
•Your beliefs define you

No matter what you have been through or are going through right now, the power to change everything lies within you. And the time to unleash that power is now; there is no need to wait for any sign or any other person. Getting this book was the first step to freedom from a mere existence and a step in the right direction of resurrecting the dreams that lie within you. Haven read the book, you have now been energized and empowered to be the achiever that you are. I believe you have made the decision to be better, and unleash that power that will bring forth a change in not only your life, but in the very environment you find yourself.

Change begins with one person; you have what it takes to begin a revolution, nothing is impossible if only you believe it. And that change begins from within you. Remember that you have no option other than to succeed in your pursuits, QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION. Begin exercising today, quit that bad habit right now, break off that negative relationship and foster the positive, and make the call that will set you free to be a better person.

I hope you can see it now, the future you dream of. Just take a minute to conjure up that image of the life you want, savor the image, hold on to it and make it the very thing you wake up to every morning. Unleash that power within you and take charge of your life, be the greatness within you.

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